Irul is a Malayalam thriller drama helmed by Naseef Yusuf Izuddin. The movie stars Fahadh Faasil, Soubin Shahir and Darshana Rajendran in the lead roles. Irul depicts the life of some people who get trapped along with a murderer.
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Alex Parayil (Soubin Shahir) a budding novelist, is in a relationship with Archana Pillai (Darshana Rajendran), a high court lawyer. Alex plans a no-mobile getaway with Archana in a hill station, to take a break from the busy city life. However, the couple ends up in an old mansion after a turn of events, where they meet a stranger (Fahadh Faasil). The real horror begins after the trio discovers a woman's dead body in the basement of the mansion. Who is the murderer?
The movie is produced by Anto Joseph, Jomon T John and Shameer Muhammed under the banner Anto Joseph Film Company and Plan J Studios. Irul is penned by Sunil Yadav.
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